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Meet The Band....

Nadia - Vocals

Nadia has loved music as long as she can remember and started learning to play classical guitar aged just 7!  At 14 she began having vocal lessons at a local music academy, where she grew up in Deptford, this gave her the confidence to start writing my own lyrics and learning how to sing with confidence and technique. Her teacher was a fantastic soul singer, and was her inspiration to sing from the soul!


Nad's musical taste is vast, everything from Classical, Soul ,R&B, Motown, through to Rock. Vocal influences include Tina Turner, Dionne Warwick, Christina Aguilera , Jennifer Hudson, Ann Wilson (Heart) Beth Hart, Adele, Amy Winehouse and absolute idol is Stevie Nick's !


Her powerful soul/rock voice, and love of harmonies blend perfectly with the band.

Sean - Saxophone/Percussion

Sean is a stalwart on the musical scene having played in bands for over twenty years or so, including some stints in big bands.  Sean has run New Street Band for the past 15 years, formerly known as Halfway Street but with a whole new band line up you get New Street - see what he did there?.  In Sean's view the band is now at the top of it's game and providing top notch music for private parties, pubs and clubs.  He also brings a mean coolbox packed with beers to rehearsals. 

Steve - Guitar/Vocals

Steve has been playing guitar since he was was a wee lad but after taking 12 years off to find inner peace (ha ha!) he is back in the fold and banging out some awesome solo's, he is also known to sing a bit when the mood takes him.  
Tech Spec: He uses a homemade 2 voice guitar allegedly built from Korean balsa's even got flashing lights! Fractal FX8 pedal board and Mesa Boogie MKV:35 and AER Amplification..

Keith - Bass/Vocals

Been playing in bands since he were a mere 14 years old and has played/jammed with some big names of past, Andy Fraser of Free, Terry Rice Milton of Cupids Inspiration 60's band to name but a few.. he liked to hobnob with the stars during his stint working for the BBC, buy him a beer, he will spill the gossip on some of the golden greats!  
Tech Spec: uses WAL alembic Warwick Fender Basses with ampeg vanderkey amplification.

Paul - Drums/Vocals

Paul is a brilliant drummer who has slotted in very nicely indeed to our little set up.  He likes to challenge himself and is constantly striving to play his best.  In addition, he also plays drums in several other bands as well as a very well regarded Beatles cover band. Paul even finds time to work on some original music projects and is part of the fantastically talented TV for Dogs, writing and performing their own material.

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